Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hospice visit today

Perfect day to start this blog after yet another heart-filled visit with a client. Am full of gratitude for ways in which god's grace continues to show up in my life. I was there to be of service, and yet, I had the familiar feeling of receiving much more in return as I walked to my car. It is my intention to use this medium to journal, put digital pen to paper a stream of consciousness of my journey in serving the bereaved. 2010 has been a year of great healing, as I fine-tune my focus on perinatal loss and pediatric oncology grief support.

Earlier this week, I returned home after a blissful vacation to Kauai to be a part of a tele-class with Stephanie Dawn, visionary of Sacred Birth work. I was a bit nervous at first, as I was running on Hawaii time but once the class began, spirits words poured out of me like a river and before I knew it, 45 minutes had gone by! This and the feedback from the past few weeks in speaking to different organizations and individuals about perinatal loss birthed a beautiful opportunity. In following my soul's purpose, I invite you to join me in a 4 week training tele-course beginning September 13th designed for birth professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of bereavement surrounding Perinatal Loss.

In this special 4-week 90 minute class, we will cover the following topics:
-Postpartum care in providing mourning support
-Effects of grief, uniqueness of grief among family members
-Memory making: support, integration to life when there is “no baby”
-Implementing a care plan and support for the family

My heart is wide open today! I am full of LOVE and gratitude in knowing I have the other "half" of my life to serve!!!

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